"The Walking Dead" 9×09: Negan returns | Death of Jesus | Fight against Whisperer | Video


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The eighth episode of season # 9 of "The Walking Dead" left all the fans stunned by what happened, as well as by what it will be until the month of February to following the famous story. If you have not watched the episode, maybe it will be better not to continue reading the note because you will meet the hated spoilers.

What happened during the last creation of the series of zombies surprised to present the death of Jesus, one of the most beloved characters. In the first few seconds in advance, you can see the survivors with a coffin, which would take away your body after being killed by "The Whisperer," the new enemy.

In the same way, we observe Negan free, next to & # 39; Lucile & # 39; (his bat), apparently anticipating something new. And, without knowing whether it was a premeditated or occasional thing, Father Gabriel left the cell door of the cruel murderer open, a situation that was not lost. However, he is not sure if he will be the villain before or will help in the coming fight.

On the other hand, it was possible to see for the first time Beta (Ryan Hurst), the right arm of Alpha (Samantha Morton), the leader of "The Whispers", in a fight against Daryl. Without doubt, the emotions of The Walking Dead are on the surface, as intriguing as it was in the beginning. Fans will have to wait a few months to get rid of their doubts.

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