the weak diet in FODMAP


Posted on 29/11/2018 8:20:34THIS

MADRID, November 29 (EDIZIONES) –

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic functional disorder of the digestive tract. Its main symptoms are abdominal pain or discomfort, abdominal swelling and altered bowel habits (constipation and / or diarrhea). It usually manifests itself in relapses without there being a fundamental organic disease that explains it.

Dr. Susana Jiménez Contreras, specialist of the Spanish Foundation of Digestive Diseases (FEAD), explains this situation.), which points out that it is the most diagnosed gastrointestinal disorder and the second cause of absenteeism at work after colds.

"Between 10% and 20% of the population has IBS symptoms throughout their lives, but only 15% of them require medical evaluation." There are many treatments and therapies to relieve symptoms, but none of these methods can cure. The chronic nature of IBS and the challenge of symptom control can frustrate patients and the doctors who treat them, "he said.

The biggest problem is that the cause of today is not known precisely.The expert acknowledges that there is also no evidence to diagnose it, while pointing out that many researchers believe it is caused by an increase in visceral sensitivity to normal sensations.

So with everything, note that the goals of nutritional treatment are to ensure adequate nutrient intake, individualize the diet according to the specific gastrointestinal pattern of IBS and explain the possible influence of food in the treatment of symptoms.

"There is little scientific evidence to support the restriction of specific foods, and hearty meals and certain foods, such as excessive amounts of fats, caffeine, lactose, fructose, sorbitol and alcohol, are poorly tolerated.This is why the following recommendations are given, but not before, specify that dietary treatment should be individualized for each patient, "he adds.

At this point, highlights the potential benefit of diets low in fructo-oligo-di and monosaccharides and in fermentable sugars polialcohols (FODMAPs), carbohydrates that the small intestine is not able to break down and break down. absorb in its entirety, so that an important part remains in the large intestine and cause gas problems, swelling, diarrhea or constipation. "The poor diet in FODMAP limits foods containing fructose, lactose, oligosaccharides containing fructose and galactose (fructans and galactans) and alcoholic sugars (sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol and maltitol)."

He says that FODMAPs are poorly absorbed in the small intestine, that they are very osmotic and that bacteria ferment rapidly. "Limiting the amount of FODMAP per meal has been shown to be effective in reducing gastrointestinal symptoms.However, the threshold for acceptable amounts of FODMAP is still not well defined and is likely specific to each patient" , did he declare.

In addition, Many studies indicate that one of the main causes may be the poor digestion of carbohydrates. IBS symptoms occur when undigested carbohydrates pass into the large intestine.

"Our body may be able to handle them in small amounts, but when they are too big, we can have problems that can vary from one person to the next. to learn to live with this disorder and to practice certain lifestyle and diet changes that decrease the symptoms, "he said on the occasion of the publication of his book" Comfort "(Books Dome), Cecilie Hauge, a woman with IBS to whom this form of consumption has changed her life.

As he describes it, many people realize that they can eat a wider variety of foods, including fiber, while others should pay even more attention. If your body is resistant to stronger flours and vegetables, you can substitute some of the flour for other whole grain flour or incorporate the tolerated vegetables.

So among the list of weak foods in FODMAP highlights:

Vegetables and vegetables: Carrot, leek, green lettuce, spinach, olives, potatoes, tomatoes, green part of onion, chives, kale, cucumber, pepper, red cabbage, broccoli or naba. Do not forget that many foods become rich in FODMAP if you exceed a certain amount. It is best not to eat too many different vegetables at the same time, as the FODMAP limit is quickly exceeded.

Fruits: Cranberries, grapes, kiwis, citrus fruits, raspberries, strawberries, small ripe bananas, pineapple. The same rule applies in this case. There is nothing that happens to eat a little, but there is a limit, because many fruits, including those low in FODMAP, contain fructose. To find out what your limit is, you will have to experiment.

Cereals and cereals: Rice, oats, polenta, corn flour, buckwheat, quinoa, gluten free bread, pasta and cereal products.

Dairy products: They include those without lactose, as well as hard and cottage-type cheeses, whose lactose content is naturally low. Some low-lactose cheese spreads are also low. Butter contains very little lactose and most people tolerate it. Milk, yogurt and lactose-free cream, rice drink, creamy white cheeses such as Camembert or brie, lactose-free ice cream.

sweeteners: Sugar, glucose, syrup, any sweetener not ending in "ol," including aspartame.

Flour: Low-FODMAP varieties are prepared with a gluten-free mix of potato flour, rice, maize, sorghum, millet, buckwheat and quinoa. It is also prudent to use baking powder and baking soda.

Meat, fish and eggs: These foods are proteins, which means you can eat them in virtually unlimited quantities. Of course, check that the meat or fish is not marinated in garlic or onion and that prepared products such as fish cakes, sausages and meatballs do not contain of garlic, onions, dairy products or wheat.

Controversial foods: Garlic and onions say that they are among the biggest culprits and even tend to pose problems to healthy people without digestive disorders nor IBS. The green part of the tender onion can be eaten because the fructans are in the bulb and not in this one.


From FEAD, General Counsel:

– Prepare small, frequent meals and eat at a relaxed pace and at regular times. Mark the times to eat and go to the WC.

– Avoid constipation, but gradually increase the fiber content of the diet.

– Regularly do physical exercise, relaxation activities and social activities.

– Probiotic foods or preparations may be beneficial (follow your doctor's recommendations).

– Identify the sensitivity to different foods and exclude only those who do not tolerate.

It also proposes a series of more specific recommendations:

– Moderate the consumption of insoluble fibers and increase the consumption of soluble fibers (in the form of gums, pectins and mucilages). This can be done with the help of foods such as sweet quince or apple, although it is also recommended to take daily supplements of this type of fiber.

– Avoid high-fat foods, citrus fruits and spinach to reduce the laxative effect produced by bile salts (bile) in the colon.

– Eliminate consumption of sorbitol (sweetener), food or spices, gas (in beverages), coffee and tea.

– Eliminate lactose if it is not tolerated.

– Drink two liters of water a day. It is very important to ensure proper hydration when it is recommended to drink water or mild herbal infusions such as lime and Maria Luisa (which have not been observed). laxative effect). In addition, adequate fluid intake also helps fight constipation.

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