These are the games with the largest base of players on Steam


After the best of 2018, the popular video game platform, Steam, is now showing its titles with the largest base of simultaneous players during the year.

At the top of the list, only 6 games were made to overcome the barrier of 100,000 simultaneous daily players : Six Seat Rainbows, GTA V, Dota 2, Warframe, Counter Strike: Global Offensive and BattleUnknownUnknown. The latter, had its peak in 3 million players and currently has more than 600 thousand players a day being the game with the largest number of players. Dota 2 and Counter Strike take second place with 300,000 players per day, while Rainbows Six and GTA V manage to exceed 120,000 users. Warframe remains firm with the peak of 100,000 players.

With more than 50,000 players a day, many games have managed to maintain a fairly high community. Rust, Civilization V and VI, Football Manager 2018, Path to Exile, Team Fortress, Rocket League, Garry Mod, Day 2, Ark Survival, Subnautica, Come Deliverance Kingdom, Warhammer: Vermintide II, Stardew Valley, The Elder Scrolls V, Farcry 5 and Stellaris are in this second category.

Over 20 thousand players, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Original Sin II Divinity, Unturned, Left 4 Dead 2, Fallout 4, Paladins, among others are grouped in video games of this category. third category which includes 21 titles. In the closing of the 15 thousand players, there are 24 games that appear in the list.

If you want to know the complete list of the number of players in Steam titles, you can read this link.

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