These Peruvian brands changed logo in 2018 | PICTURES Economy | Businesses


The corporate identity It is composed of several factors that allow it to differentiate itself from its competitors and to remember its customers.

Some organizations attach great importance to remembering their logo, characteristic colors, shopping experiences, eye-catching messages or the treatment of your employees towards customers.

Identity is the DNA of the marks and in many cases, the logo as a graphic sign identifying a company or institution becomes the central element.

In the case of visually positioned brands (such as Coca Cola and IBM), they have not seen the need to change their logos for a long time, they only upgrade them from time to time or adapt them to campaigns specific.

On the other hand, some brands opt for change your logos. The main question, then, is why to undergo a renewal of image.

According to Miguel Ángel Carquín, professor of trademark and corporate identity Toulouse Lautrec"In some cases, brands change brands for updating and modernization, for a change of organizational culture to external communication, with the aim of differentiating themselves from the competition or making the brand a little more friendly in the eyes of the public ".

This year, many brands have sought to strengthen their image by renewing their logos. Carquín cited some striking cases of domestic companies who decided to renew their logos in 2018. Listening to the photo gallery.

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