They dictate nine months of preventive detention to a cosmetologist who caused the death of a Venezuelan | TRUJILLO | L & # 39; industry


The judiciary dictated nine months of pre-trial detention against Nixon Moisés Angulo Chavez (39), A cosmetologist accused of causing the death of a young woman from Venezuela, inject liquid silicone, substance also called "plane oil".

This measure is based on a request from the Trujillo Provincial Criminal Prosecutor's Office, whose owner has requested his arrest for the alleged crime against life, body and health, in the form of: simple homicide for possible fraud, in grievance Fanny Kaina Solís Peraza (23).

For this crime, Nixon Angulo, a native of Iquitos, could be sentenced to a term of up to 20 years in prison.


According to the authorities, the young woman contacted the cosmetologist by telephone. Wednesday, November 21st request information on injections for augmentation of the buttocks, some of her acquaintances having recommended that she go to El Virrey Shopping Center, where Nixon Angulo worked.

The beautician said that I would charge S / 1500 for the intervention, money that would be canceled in two parts, one when the order was placed and another when it was passed. This price was significantly lower than that demanded by true health professionals.

So, both made an appointment for the afternoon of Saturday, November 24 at the young woman's house, located on Miraflores Avenue. According to the best friend of the victim, María Fernanda Abreu Gonzales, At 2:00 pm Saturday, Nixon Angulo arrived home with two bottles of one and a half liter of soda containing an oily substance.

Fanny Solís Peraza

In one room, the cosmetologist began by injecting liquid silicone into the buttocks of the young woman, disregarding the necessary safety measures such as wearing gloves, using sterilized equipment and the techniques of spraying. ;asepsis.

Before even finishing the procedure, Fanny Solis was already in trouble. However, Nixon Angulo continued to complete 10 injections, an average of One liter of liquid silicone in both buttocks.

When the young woman was out of breath and began to convulse, she was recently transferred with the help of her companion and two neighbors to the Trujillo Regional Hospital. In this hospital, she was diagnosed with anaphylactic shock, acute respiratory failure and multi-organ dysfunction syndrome. Nine hours after admission to the hospital, the girl died.

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