They discover the origin of the dust storm on Mars


Astronomers have not yet found the dust storm process recorded last June at March . However, scientists consider that found the source of a large amount of dust on the red planet.

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In a recent study by the planetologist Lujendra Ojha reported that a mysterious geological region on Mars, named Medusae Fossae lies behind this mass of swirling dust.

March would not be so full of dust if there was not this big deposit that gradually erodes over the years and pollutes the planet, said Kevin Lewis, Specialist in Planetary Geophysics

The red planet is considered a rocky, dry place and covered with layers of dust on its surface, so this type of phenomenon is rare on this planet. Yet there are about three trillion kilograms of dust that move between the surface and the atmosphere of Mars each year.

Researchers believe that almost everything comes from the formation of Medusae Fossae. In addition, scientists have recently discovered that this region of the red planet was formed more than 3 billion years ago during volcanic eruptions .

These scientists compared the chemical compositions

of the dust and those of the Medusae Fossae formation captured by NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft resulting in being identical.

The dust on the planet is rich in sulfur and chlorine, said Lujendra Ojha.

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The formation of Medusae Fossae is a vast Equatorial region of the Red Planet . According to the researchers' conclusions, it formed after exceptional volcanic eruptions. Part of this geological formation has a smooth and mountainous surface but in some places there are ridges.

  • Dust on Mars
  • Spaceship Mars Odyssey
  • NASA
  • Dust Storm

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