Thinking and making a mental effort burns as many calories as running for half an hour, according to research | Magazine


researchers They explained that mental exhaustion can burn up to 350 Calories per day in a person.

Because nobody is a mystery that think or, in general, the mental effort it tired more than physical effort, and, therefore, can burn so much Calories As if you had run a marathon or did a lot of exercises. Yes, it's not a joke.

This was explained to the journal El País, Ignacio Morón, professor at the University of Granada and researcher at the Center for Research on the Brain, Brain and Behavior (CIMCYC), who said the person could burn up to # 39 to 350 Calories in a day, just for thinking. These data were discarded on the basis of body from an adult with a medium-weight brain, about 1,400 grams and about 70 pounds.

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For his part, Javier DeFelipe, professor-researcher at the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), explained that "the brain The human being accounts for about 2% of body weight and consumes 20% of the body's oxygen and glucose. "Reason why people who do more mental stress in their daily work might even lose more calories than a person who does more physical burnout.

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According to the researcher, although all daily activities require energy, "the brain is the organ that consumes the most energy" because it never stops its activity, even the night.

"One hour of intense intellectual work consumes practically the same energy as an hour of intense physical work," and if the activity is prolonged and the stress increases, the brain spends even more energy, Morón adds.

The explanation for this process is that the brain eats pure glucose, a monosaccharide whose molecular formula is known to function as a fuel for this organ and from which the ATP (adenosine triphosphate) required to perform all the metabolic processes is obtained.

With all these findings, it is not surprising to wonder if thinking – when burning calories – also contributes to weight loss – researcher Andrés Caetana, director of CIMCYC, clarified this doubt by saying that "Clear thinking does not get thin, maybe think about vigorous walking or exercise," said the specialist. So, to lose weight and lead a healthy life, you must combine or balance exercise with mental effort.

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