This is the digital evolution index of Latin America and the Caribbean. What is the position of Peru? Photo galleries


PICTURES | Relatively low infrastructure and poor institutional quality are the main impediments to Peru's progress in MasterCard and Fletcher School's Digital Development Index for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC DEI). from the University of Tufts.

The report states that although Peru is in the category of steady progress in its momentum, it is not progressing as far as possible. "Its infrastructure is hampered by a relatively weak infrastructure and poor institutional quality," the document says.

At the regional level, Chile is in first place with a score of 58.7 and is followed by Puerto Rico (54.7) and the Bahamas (53.3).

Venezuela has the worst score in the region with 32.1 and -0.1% dynamic. Bolivia, which has one of the lowest scores, has the best momentum in the region (4.1%).

This regional analysis includes a study of the pace of digital change in the 24 Latin American and Caribbean countries, taking into account the four key factors: supply, demand, institutional environment and innovation.

The analysis uses data collected over 10 years (2008 – 2017) to create a general assessment of numerical evolution and a momentum assessment. In what position is Peru?

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