This Steam game extracts cryptocurrency from your PC without your permission


For some time, the number of Steam games with irregularities has increased. A little over a week ago, the Vale Anti-Cheat (VAC) anti-cheat system has blocked more than 95,000 Steam accounts for the suspected detection of traps in the platform.

Now, a game called Abstractism has been reported by users to convert their processors into a crypto-currency miner. In fact, according to reports, the game was not only entered users' computers through the minor, but also cheated through fake games at Steam Marketplace . However, he was removed from the platform before the charges.

When this game was offered in the Steam store, it was described as a "relaxing" platform and the design was quite simple. However, a nicknamed youtuber SidAlpha noticed the first irregularities, when a user posted on the forum of Team Fortress 2 how the game undermined cryptocurrencies.

SidAlpha, on his YouTube channel, explained how the Steam store was filled with various abstract-related elements that simulated to be the game but ended up being other games, memes, heavy jokes etc. Subsequently, a screenshot of the Malwarebytes signature was published, where in one of his security scans, she detected one of Abstractism's executable files as a threat

[19659002] Indeed, developer Okalo Union later confirmed that the absurdism had been used to undermine Monero, and then retracted his statements, eliminating the first comment. For its part, the Abstractism account has encouraged users to keep the game in use, which is obviously a desperate suggestion for their miners to continue to extract cryptocurrency from users' PCs.

However, this is not the only scam that has been reported with this game, since promoting special items for abstractism has been another of the crooks' techniques computer to generate profits, offering items up to US $ 100.

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