Transfers to Real Madrid: The Trade Wanted by Florentino Pérez by Christian Eriksen | Spain


real Madrid he's very clear: Luka Modric can not continue to be the thread of the team with 33 years of delay. Yes, he will be the last winner of the Golden Ball, but after the 2018 World Cup in Russia, the Balkan midfielder has lowered his football and he feels the size. In this sense, Florentino Pérez does not envisage an immediate exit of Luka, but hopes to replace it as soon as possible. And in this search, why not look again at Daniel Levy's Tottenham? If it was Modric before, now it can be …

Christian Eriksen! In orbit of real Madrid they considered it the ideal substitute for Croatian, although there is an advantage to this conclusion: its resolution clause. If, six years ago, the Madridistas were only paying 36 million euros for the departure of the new gold balloon, they should now pay 250 million euros for the trained Danes at the same time. School of Ajax.

Eriksen has all the football and repertoire needed to provide Luka with training, although another problem also appears: his constant injuries at the age of 26. With a contract until 2020, the real Madrid will offer an offer to Tottenham to negotiate a starting price according to the transfer market, without however exceeding the quantities such as those which Barcelona finally deposited by Philippe Coutinho and Ousmane Dembélé.

The real Madrid he has not finished negotiating for the PSG precisely because of the sums that the current football invests for the players. If up to 300 million euros were rejected by Paris management when the Bernabeu wanted to tempt him. In other words, if Eriksen arrives in Madrid, it will be for a good nap, but not to break the market. Florentino and the club's leaders are very clear.

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