Understanding back pain | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


EBack pain is now considered a public health problem because it can be disabling and cause absenteeism at work.

For Dr. Juan Carlos Martínez Acosta, a surgeon at Colsanitas University Clinic, "the back supports and promotes the mobility of the body, but it is often affected by pain, especially in the lower part, that is, say in the lower back., due to mechanical causes in most cases ".

Other mechanical problems that affect the back include herniated disc, injured discs, narrowing space that occupies the spinal cord, sprains, muscle tension resulting from injuries and falls.

1. Origin of the pain:

Its origin is mainly mechanical. As a result, the pain may suddenly appear as a result of overwork and repetitive movements in the work, domestic or daily tasks.

The back support function also causes forced or prolonged movements. Lifting heavy loads or excessive workload can lead to mechanical muscle and bone disorders.

In very rare cases, back pain has an inflammatory origin that may be related to a disease such as premenopausal osteoporosis, in women, to tumors or infections of the lower back.

2. Causes:

Poor physical condition, excess weight, pregnancy, excessive muscle use and smoking are some of the factors that increase the risk of low back pain. Similarly, being exposed to situations of stress and depression affects the person's perception of pain or even becomes chronic.

3. How to treat


The pain may be acute, that is, it appears immediately after physical activity and is exceeded after about three days. Or chronic, which is less common, but gradually intensifies and lasts for several weeks. Rest is recommended, but that does not mean you have to stay in bed. On the contrary, it is harmful and weakens the muscles. Therefore, it is recommended to continue daily activities as much as the pain allows.

The application of cold compresses in the area of ​​pain, then moist heat and massage can help improve the acute pain to manage at home.

4. Diagnosis:

The medical history and symptoms displayed by the patients guide the diagnosis. You can refer to physiotherapy or give medication when the doctor prescribes it. In more complex situations where the pain is of inflammatory origin, the treatment will be guided by its causes.

If there is a pain that extends to the leg, which accompanies fever, vomiting, or difficult movements or worsens with the weeks it is necessary to go to the emergency services.

5. Take care of your back:

Lumbago is not only produced by forced postures or activities to which you are not accustomed, it also presents itself by staying for a long time in fixed postures without moving. To heal and strengthen the back, it is necessary to incorporate a series of habits that will help alleviate the impact of the stress that produces the pain. For example, sit on chairs with your back, do not lean up and keep your head straight and shoulders in a straight line.

6. Recommendations:

When lifting heavy loads manually, it is advisable to bend your knees and make sure your back is straight so that the stress is on the leg muscles.

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