Universitario reveals the future of Archimedes Figuera for 2019


Archimedes Figuera he is one of the most important men Sports University. At one point, the continuity of the central Venezuelan midfielder was questioned, as his pass still belonged to La Guaira. However, the club administrator revealed what could be the continuity of the player.

"With Archimedes Figuera we will surely reach an agreement. He really wants to stay at the club. I think the link with La Guaira ends at the end of the year. It's free, that's what the sport management told me ", revealed the administrator of the Universitario de Deportes, Carlos Moreno, in an interview with RPP.

In addition, this will mean a significant saving for University Sports, which intends to keep it for the following season: "If that were the case, it would be a big savings for the club because we would not have to pay a loan, it's one of the priorities to renew it."he finished.

This year, Archimedes Figuera played 30 games with the Universitario de Deportes, four fewer than last season, but he was one of the most important midfield players with Enmanuel Páucar, a Another player who will stay in the category for 2019.


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