University of Sports: "Cremas" are at signing hours with three new reinforcements | FICHAJES 2019 | decentralized


The season for Sports University it will be over, but in the cream store there is always work. After the meeting between the technical director Nicolás Córdova and the directive, the orders of the Chilean are clear. To such an extent that it only misses the signature to insure three new players.

This is the goalkeeper of the World Cup José Carvallo, defense Aldair Salazar and the & # 39; 9 & # 39; Adrián Ugarriza. In the case of Carvallo and Ugarriza, both already know what it is to wear the "merengue" t-shirt. Even the goalkeeper from UTC made his professional debut with the "U" and won the national championship in 2013.

University of Sports: the police celebrated with the fans of "U & # 39; the last triumph of the Clausura [VIDEO]

Salazar's adaptation to what is the "world" University"Cordova is not worried about the directive either, because the DT has put it as one of his priorities in the list of reinforcements and has full confidence that he has shown in the last season in Municipal.

As you may have known Depor contacts began on Tuesday evening and negotiations progressed rapidly with the three players. The agreements are already there, the only thing missing, is that they come to the "creams" of the offices to sign their contract. The & # 39; U & # 39; is reinforced with everything.


Sports University

The police did not hide their love for the cream. (Video: GARRA (U) CREMA / FACEBOOK)

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