University of Sports | Egidio Arévalo Ríos and Álvaro Gonzalez looking for the "U" to replace Figuera


University wants to arm with the best for 2019. The cream leadership studied possible reinforcements for the next season and at the desks of the merengue cast came an infinite number of potential players who are perfect in the idea that they intend to implement Nicolás Córdova.

After the imminent departure Archimedes Figuera of the team, the club administration examines which player may be the ideal substitute for directing the pamphlet. The starting point is that this player is necessarily of Uruguayan or Argentine nationality.

In this sense, there are two names that generate great expectations in the merengue fan. Both are Uruguayan and with a past in the World Cup selection who today runs the "Maestro" Óscar Washington Tabárez. We refer to midfielders Álvaro Gonzales and Egidio Arévalo RíosIs your arrival unlikely? Well no, and here we explain why.

Álvaro Gonzáles

The bocón He may have known that the "U" office had arrived at the office Álvaro González. The Uruguayan midfielder who played 2014 Brazil World Cup is one of the names that manages the administration of the cream, which studies the possibility taking into account the vacuum that will leave it Archimedes Figuera. Your news is National of Uruguaybut before the lack of continuity, the 34-year-old Uruguayan would be happy to arrive in one of the biggest clubs in Peru. The "Tata", as it is called, crossed Argentine, Italian and Mexican football.

Arévalo rivers

The & # 39; Cacha & # 39; (36 years old) is currently playing in Liberty of Paraguay, where he got the regularity that he had not at the beginning of the year Argentina Race His classic temperament game, which is still based on the typical Uruguayan signature, seduces many merengue leaders. A few months ago, we learned that Arévalo rivers could reach Lima Alliance play the Closing tournamentHowever, for a matter of time, his arrival was not made.

In both cases, the economic problem is a factor that leadership must resolve, because as we know, the leaders of the cream do not intend to be crazy for any player. Therefore, the arrival of a sponsor would be the solution to sign one of these two players.


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