University of Sports | Video broadcast where the font celebrates with the fans of the "U" & # 39; in the gallery


They say that sometimes the passion for a team leads to doing inexplicable things. This apparently happened in the north stand of the national stadium, in the duel in which
Sports University defeated 2-0 to the offspring United Merchants on the last date of Closing tournament. What happened? In a video of the cream bar, you can see how a policeman starts to beat the rhythm of a song with other fans. Not to beleive

Sports University he passed those of Cain in 2018, where he was, at a time of the year, in a zone of direct relegation. However, it was their supporters who, from the podium, pushed the team out of the wrong moment. And as if to send them back as they should, the fans invaded the national stadium last Sunday, in which even a policeman was seen singing alongside supporters in the north stand.

A policeman jumps and sings next to the bar of the 'U & # 39;

Video: Claw U Cream

The video did not go unnoticed on social networks. In any country in South America, have we seen something similar: a national police fund in Peru leaping at the same pace as fans of
Sports University in one of the famous songs that the official club bar has. It seems that the agent could not stand his swelling anymore and get carried away by passion and adrenaline.


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