Úrsula Letona about Yeni Vilcatoma: "Apparently, she has a personal theme with me" [Video]


Ursula Letona he submitted his resignation Popular strength this Thursday morning. In an exclusive interview with RPP News, the parliamentarian said that she communicated this decision to the leader of the party, Keiko Fujimori, during a visit that he made this morning to the prison where he stays hospitalized.

Leaving the Parliament's Ethics Committee, he commented Yeni Vilcatoma: "Apparently, she has a personal theme with me. I will present my announcements. "

"I have a duty to explain." I have already presented my defense on the bench. My resignation today is on the bench and I do not have to make any affirmation or value judgment"He told the press.

She also said that she was proud of her relationship with the party leader, Keiko Fujimori, and who will support Fuerza Popular in the decisions it deems fair, including the defense of freedom of Fujimori Higuchi.

Mamani case

Ursula Letona, did not give much details about the closed session of the Ethics Commission, where the situation of the congressman was analyzed Moisés Mamani for a suspected case of improper involvement of a flight attendant.

"We expect to hear all involved.Today, I have listened to the lady (aggrieved) and I will not advance the opinion. We have to listen to the videos. There is a video in the cockpit"He said.

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