Úrsula Letona resigns from Fuerza Popular Bank | Photo 1 of 4 | Politics


He's going away. The congressman Ursula Letona informed this afternoon that he is resigning from the bench of the Popular Force. In an interview with RPP, the parliamentarian claimed that she would formalize her decision in a few hours.

The decision to Latvia It was then that he went this morning to his party's leader, Keiko Fujimori, to the Criminal Women's Annex of Chorrillos, where he attended to communicate his resignation.

"Today, I am resigning, visiting the President of my party, Ms. Keiko Fujimori, where she is unjustly imprisoned, and I have communicated my personal decision to resign. but I have also confirmed my commitment and my solidarity with this new space in which I will be, outside the seat, as a member of the Congress, but especially as a personal friend, "Letona said.

Asked about the reasons for his resignation from the caucus, Letona said: "I will not become an obstacle, let alone a pretext for people, in search of a power – which I do not seek and that I do not I have no intention of generating internal conflicts My attitude has always been the search for unity and, in this sense, I will continue to support Fuerza Popular from this new position in the important reforms for the country. "

"I will not lend myself, nor let myself use as an excuse to try to generate divisions within the caucus, the important thing is to maintain the Unidad de Fuerza Popular. I will not allow some people – who are characterized by the search for power or stand out – to make me an excuse to generate divisions"said the member still from the orange bench.

Letona did not want to clarify who she was referring to and said that she was making this decision to leave but believed that they could make reforms together. "I'm sure the bench will overcome these moments and that they will come out stronger."

The resignation of Letona was announced yesterday. Yeni Vilcatoma, a congressman, asked for his deportation for his attitude in connection with the investigation into the alleged corruption complaint of PromPerú.

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