Úrsula Letona resigns to Fuerza Popular in the middle of an internal trial | Politics


Of the 73 members of Congress with whom the legislature began, Popular strength remained 60 years after the resignation of Ursula Letona, presented yesterday.

The decision was made official one day after Yeni Vilcatoma asked the bench to deport Latvia, claiming that he had no probabilistic behavior and that he would have used "all his power" to file the request of the Control Commission which proposed to investigate alleged irregularities in Prom-Peru.

Consulted by Trade in the event that his resignation was also given to the possibility of initiating an internal disciplinary procedure concerning Vilcatoma's complaint, Latvia He replied: "I have submitted my renunciations, I fear nothing, I have nothing to fear."

Sources in this newspaper also noted that some caucus members saw her as a shadow spokesperson, despite the fact that she left office in October, or considered that she had always a lot of power. However, she said she had no problems with her colleagues.

In your letter of resignation, Latvia he says he does not want to be "part of the political struggles for power quotas", which, he says, does not interest him. "It's the foundation of my decision, avoiding that those with personal interests do not find in me or an excuse to generate internal conflicts," he said.

Consulted if he had any new elements in the case involving his colleague, Vilcatoma avoided answering and referred to this newspaper which still expects to know the charges presented yesterday by Latvia to pronounce He dismissed certain interests of division or power.

previously, Latvia he said that Vilcatoma's denunciation was absurd. "I have never had an attitude of pressure or even persuaded her.The only thing I did was to transfer a concern to a personal friend and some members of the staff. "In the case of Carlos Vives' video, he saw the balloon as a useless balloon, and he never gave me any appreciation," he told the press.

The morning, Latvia He visited Keiko Fujimori, leader of Popular strengthin the prison where he is serving a pretrial detention sentence to communicate his decision.

-Less sensible-
Bench spokesman Carlos Tubino lamented the resignation of Latvia and he considered that "a great loss".

He also indicated that at the next bench meeting the Vilcatoma complaint will be dealt with and that Latvia. "It's an interpersonal issue between two lawmakers, it's not a caucus issue, it should be clear, this type of situation happens in all political groups," he told the newspaper. .

Luz Salgado, meanwhile, expressed surprise at this measure and felt that the bench should refine its coordination. "There was an intention from the beginning to break us everywhere, and this intention continues on behalf of many members of the opposition and the government itself," he said.

Juan Sheput, Peruvians for Kambio, said it was an internal conflict Popular strength. "We are still observing a symptom of Fujimori's decomposition process," he said.

According to political analyst José Carlos Requena, the resignation of Latvia sharpens the crisis of Popular strength. "Perhaps Latvia You took the opportunity to have a more dignified exit if you want and do not be part of something that can put you in an awkward position. He is one of the most articulate on the bench, he is sure to see his future a little further, "he said, adding that more" drop by drop "resignations could be given.

Yesterday, it was also known that Edwin Vergara had resigned from the secretariat of ethics and party discipline. In April, he was suspended from his activism for alleged link.

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