Viral YouTube: Naughty dog ​​steals GoPro from its owner and is registered by running away | video | pet camera | | trends


You will cry for laughs! A video from became viral on YouTube, as it features an ugly little dog that steals its owner's GoPro camera and fires at himself while escaping. Do not remove your new acquisition.

In the viral video you can see how the animal is hunted not by one or two, but by three people to remove the GoPro, because if this camera is dropped, it can break and send it to be fixed would cost a lot more than buying a new one.

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The young people who follow the mascot can not reach him, since the dog is very clever So they decide to give him a trap to call him to give him his favorite food but the plan failed because the naughty animal kept running.

The GoPro was constantly chasing after the cans. The camera captured fun images shared on YouTube becoming a viral success. A peculiarity that has the clip is that it was edited and that it carries the song "Sweet dreams" of Eurythmics .

The owner of the dog commented on social networks that he always had this problem, since it was not the first time that his mascot stole his camera, but also feels happy to play with him (although his working instruments are in danger of breaking).

This funny pursuit has so far over 4.5 thousand views and 2450 "I love you" that have generated it to be one of the viral dogs of users .

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