What CADE executives, why is it important and what is their agenda in 2018? | Peru | Peru


The afternoon of Wednesday started at CADE Ejecutivos 2018, which takes place in Paracas (Ica) and will continue until Friday, November 30th. Under the slogan "Business Leadership for a Modern Peru", these three days focus on political, economic and social issues.

The largest meeting of leaders in Peru proposes to discuss openly the main problems of the country and national problems in a framework of reflection and tolerance.

What is CADE's leaders?

CADE is the Annual Executive Conference, which is celebrating its 56th edition this year. This meeting was created with the aim of promoting the creation of contributions and proposals aimed at solving the main socio-economic problems of the country and contributing to the development of Peru.

Through all these years CADE It has established itself as the most important annual meeting in Peru, bringing together the most important leaders of the world of the business, political, executive, university and the press.

In addition, the confrontation of various criteria provided by the speakers, panelists and participants continues an in-depth analysis of the theme of the event, thus offering alternative solutions. The event gathers around 500 participants and is closed each year by the President of the Republic.

Why is the CADE important for Peru?

CADE Frames seeks to encourage entrepreneurs to exercise greater leadership, promote integrity, competitiveness, sustainability and the necessary foundation to make Peru a developed country.

This space of dialogue between the company, the state and other important sectors of the country appeared in 1961 under the name of Annual Conference of the leaders. The theme of the meeting was "Greater Efficiency and Increased Production as Key Economic and Social Progress of the Country".

Since then, it has become the most important forum where important businessmen, representatives of the state, professional associations and academics meet.

What is the program of CADE Ejecutivos 2018?

Day 1 (28/11/2018)

How to fight corruption and what to do to fight private sector bad practices were the two key issues discussed on the first day (28 November).

Day 2 (29/11/2018)

  • 9:05: Let's be sustainable, let's be sustainable
  • 10:20: Conscious Leadership 11:45: Sustainable Cities: Successful International Examples
  • 12:40: Peru: developing regions and cities
  • 3:35 p.m.: Health, global success
  • 16.25: Health, challenges for management in Peru
  • 17h45: Let's transform the education system now!
  • 6:05 p.m.: Bridging the gaps in human capital

Day 3 (30/11/2018)

  • 9:05: Competitiveness, the experience of Colombia
  • 10:10: Privy Council for Competitiveness
  • 11:25: Infrastructure and logistics for productivity
  • 12:15: Innovation for competitiveness
  • 13h00: For a competitive Peru, the government's proposal
  • 15:30: CADE Survey Executive
  • 3:40 p.m.: Informality, limit for growth
  • 4:40 p.m.: Reform of the justice system
  • 6:10 p.m.: CADE Measure
  • 6:20 p.m.: Peru 2050. Path to development
  • 6:50 p.m.: CADE fence 2018

For more information on CADE 2018, enter the official page of the event.

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