What time and in what places will the lunar eclipse of July 27 be visible?


  At what time and in what places will the lunar eclipse of July 27 be observed?

It will be the longest lunar eclipse of the century. Given the latitude of Misiones, the eclipse will start at 3:23 pm and finish at 6:12 pm

The bad news for astronomy fans in Argentina and throughout Latin America is that this eclipse it will only be seen in its entirety in Africa, the Middle East, India, Australia and parts of Europe.


In its orbit around the Sun, the Earth carries with it The Moon which also turns around us. The lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon coincide online. In these moments the Moon passes through the shadow projected by the Earth, which remains between Sun and Moon. When the alignment is complete, the eclipse is total and the Moon sees it from the ground with a reddish color. This is the so-called "blood moon".

Why is the moon dyed red when it is "behind us"? Because of the passage of the sun through our atmosphere: the physical phenomenon is called Rayleigh scattering. It is due to the filtration of the green and violet spectrum (shorter wavelengths) to the passage of sunlight through our atmosphere. This same effect is what "colors" the sky and leaves it orange at sunset. In addition, the sunlight bends slightly as it passes near the Earth and thus illuminates the moon, in the shadow.

Since we have returned to the Sun, we can observe the phenomenon without taking precautions. With solar eclipses, it's very different: the alignment is with the Moon between the Earth and the Sun. In this case, we look directly at the Sun, although partially covered by the Moon.

THE LONGER [19659003] This eclipse will lengthen so much because it will coincide with the full moon and lunar apogee. The orbit of the moon around the Earth is not perfectly circular. The point where the moon is the farthest from our planet is the climax. As the 27th of July coincides with the full moon, we will see it smaller because it is farther away.

But precisely because it is farther away and looks smaller, it will take longer to cross the shadow cast by the Earth. That's why this eclipse will be so long. An additional curiosity will be that Mars will be on these dates at its closest point to the Earth (since 2003). We will be able to better see the red planet, and we will have the night of the 27 Moon of blood also tinged with red. A good night to make an interesting photo with a telescope or a powerful telephoto lens (and a tripod).

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