WhatsApp allows you to create gifs from your own photos and videos


Photo: ChicaGeek

(Caracas, July 28.News24) .- WhatsApp is the instant messaging platform that has more users around the world . This messaging system can send fun animations for a few months.

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In order to be able to send gifs, you must open the chat of the will or group contact and give the # 39; icon + + # 39; Then, in the media library, you can go to the option 'gif & # 39; gif & # 39; . Once inside, you can search by category and choose the "gif" that best fits what you want to express.

In addition, WhatsApp allows you to create own animations with videos made by ourselves . In a few simple steps, you can surprise all your contacts with custom gifs. Follow the following steps:

– Enter WhatsApp

– Open the conversation in which you want to send the gif & # 39; gif .

– Click on the icon of ] attach a file

– Navigate to the & # 39; Gallery & # 39; to attach a video or photo that you already have recorded on your mobile .

– Choose the video or photo you want to become a "gif & # 39; and click on it

– Click on the 'gif' icon which you will find in the upper part right

– With the sidebars from the timeline, you can fragment the video and select the part that interests you the most.

– Now that you have converted your video to "gif", you just have to press "Send" .

– It is also possible to directly record the video from WhatsApp and select the fragment which is more interesting to you at that time.

With information from Diariodeibiza

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