WhatsApp copies a telegram function: What is it? | Technology


Facebook's WhatsApp messaging service recently introduced a new feature, which is basically a replica of the Telegram application. This is a function that allows users to create channels.

Telegram channels are popular because private chats are managed by administrators who are the only ones who can send messages or multimedia content to the group. This feature allows people to subscribe to news agency chains, businesses, schools, public interest groups, or any other person. Now, WhatsApp adds this feature to give your email application new uses, according to the TechCrunch portal.

"One of the reasons people use group chats is to receive important announcements and information." schools and non-profit organizations use them, we introduced this new feature so that administrators have better tools for these uses " WhatsApp developers, cited by the media.

WhatsApp has more Of 1,500 million active users of whom more than 200 million are in India, while Telegram has recently exceeded 200 million users worldwide.

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