WhatsApp has decided to limit the re-sending of messages for this reason | Social networks


WhatsApp company owned by Facebook has decided to step up measures to fight "false news" (or false news) and "spam".

Whenever a text, photo, video or audio is transmitted from one contact to another, the recipient will see the message "Transmitted" in italics next to the shared content.

In addition to this, a limit was imposed on the transmission of messages to groups of Whatsapp . In most countries where the application is available, the information can only be transmitted to 20 groups.

The measure was more severe in India where the company has the largest number of users (more than 200 million) since the transmission limit will be only 5 groups.

The company made the decision to limit the number of messages that are transmitted to groups as a way to control the impact of viral messages that has already had fatal consequences for false news in India: at least 7 dead from April to June.

"We believe that these changes, which we will continue to evaluate, will help maintain the original design of WhatsApp so that it continues to be a private messaging application," he said. said the company through his blog.

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