WhatsApp Viral: 5 tips to prevent them from knowing that we read a message | PICTURES | Photo 1 of 5 | Social networks


For a long time we tried to find out what is the trick that some people use to not know that they read our messages; however, those WhatsApp techniques that have become viral have promised to "save you" in case you receive a message that you do not want to read.


The first option we have is to read the message directly from the notification center of our phone whether Android or iOS. This is the easiest option and allows us to read it without appearing online, but it is only useful in the case of short messages because the preview would cut it off.

Messages as Emerging:

For messages to arrive completely in popup mode in Android, we go to Settings> Notifications> Popup Notification and select Always Show Popup.

Mode avion:

Finally, we have a very simple option, but with which we must have an eye because if it is badly executed, we can be shot by lacrosse. To achieve this, we will have to put our phone in airplane mode before reading the message. Once our phone is in this mode, we can read the message without fear.

Disable Blue Controls:

If you're fed up with control in WhatsApp and you want to turn off the tedious blue control always, even if it means you do not see the others, you can do it in a very simple way. In Android, you need to go to Settings> Account> Privacy> Messaging and once here, we'll turn off read receipts.

Using a smartwatch:

Thanks to the latest models of smart watches, you'll see the notifications you get from here you'll notice what they've written to you and it's urgent to answer it.

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