Whatspp will tag messages sent to stop lynching – NoticiasYa: What Matters


(NEWS YA) .- One of the current challenges for social networks has been the power of to overthrow the proliferation of false news on their platforms, but in the case of WhatsApp and the Internet. India, This became a problem that was a generator of violent acts .

Messages transmitted in the instant messaging application have caused false news in countries such as India. -country that occupies the largest number of users WhatsApp- because of the dependence of these messages as the main source of information.

More than a dozen people were lynched in this Asian country since May, because of the misinformation that had been replicated and viralized on Whatsapp about an organization of kidnappings and organ vendors.

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In New Delhi, a crowd lynched five people on July 3 after rumors circulated in WhatsApp messages that caused suspicion that they were kidnappers of children.

The victims lost their lives after local residents accused them of being part of a "stealing children" gang.

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The police confirmed that a total of 23 people detained as part of the incident and are still looking for 40 other people involved. Although this is not the first time this has happened, is the fourth recorded incident in a similar manner.

Earlier this month the Indian government demanded that WhatsApp take more responsibility and add more features to its platform to mitigate misinformation in India, considering that many people have Adopted the application As the main source of information.

"The Government also indicated that the dissemination of these messages should be contained immediately by the application of appropriate technology.", Noted the Information Office of the Government of India [19659011]. : 126 million Facebook users have seen fake Russian news

This Tuesday the company, owned by Facebook Inc., said that would add labels that specify when it is a message transferred as a measure to stop the false news that is starting to viralize this way.

WhatsApp also replied that it would give $ 50 thousand by independent researchers analyzing how false news is distributed across its platform.

The application c omitted full-page advertisements in more than 30 Indian newspapers in seven different languages, urging the population to question any information received.

"Understand When a Message Is Transmitted. Check the Facts When you are not sure who wrote the original message," read the announcement.

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