Will the first trailer of Avengers 4 be released today? – Tomatazos


Avengers 4 -% is one of the most anticipated movies of 2019; the end of the Avengers: Infinity War – 79% paralyzed the audience who must already have before them the answer that will resolve the conflict initiated by the giant Thanos. A few weeks ago, we were all very confident and happy with the date of today. the reports in various media suggested that the release of the trailer for the upcoming Avengers film would be on November 28 but oh, the disappointment! The date is here and we have nothing; in addition Anthony Breznican of Entertainment Weekly He published a response on the mystery.

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Breznican is an editor for Entertainment Weekly; on his Twitter account, he commented that today the trailer would definitely not be published, and for all to be clear, he placed a fragment of the 1989 film The suburbs, the popular moment of Rube Klopek's exclamation no! As his or more clear? With December 1st and the refusal of this trailer, we do not know when it will arrive.

Hey, the trailer for Avengers 4 will be released today? Here is the answer:

It's really a shame to admit it, but the source is reliable enough to be safe. Unfortunately, all the fans were deluded that day, but the marketing plans were not benevolent and we will probably have to wait until next month to find out.

Adepts have suspected this date because today a special projection of Avengers: Infinity War, during which a question-and-answer session was also held with directors Anthony Russo and Joe Russo. Fans thought that for this occasion they would have prepared a special surprise about Avengers 4, but nothing happened.

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The day of October 28, 2018 has not ended and, although apparently nothing is shown, it is still possible that the Russo enjoy this day to communicate the actual date of the premiere of the trailer; we will be very much in waiting. In the event that we would not announce anything for today, we will have to accept the fact that at least this month, we will not even see a hint of new material.

From the plot of Avengers 4 you do not have many reports either; brothers Russo They took care to avoid any kind of information and did a great job in this regard. The pictures that have been leaked from the collection are not as revealing as we would like them to be, and what they offer us is only generating speculation, nothing we can say.

But do not worry, there is nothing to worry about, the trailer may be closer than we think; And even for the film, it's not that long, just six months. If you are very worried, the best thing to do is to review the previous slices of the Avengers during a night marathon.

Avengers 4 its premiere will take place on May 3, 2019 and a little before, March 8, we will enjoy Capitana Marvel.

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