Window: Police are serious after being hit in the head by criminals | VIDEO | PICTURES | New


The violence continues unchecked. Less than a week from assassination of two policemen in Rímac , a non-commissioned officer is seriously injured after being shot in the head while he was shopping Window. Two criminals shot the unit with the money that was in charge of a police investigation.

The NCO Luis Miguel Cerveira Gálvez He was traveling, around six o'clock in the afternoon of last Sunday, as co-pilot inside a vehicle of the investigation department in the Angamos region. The car received five bullets and one bullet hit the officer on the front.

After the attack, his partner transferred the member of the order to the hospital of the Police where the doctors managed to remove the bullet lodged in his brain. The investigation is ongoing and the images captured by the security cameras have already been delivered.

According to the report América Noticias, sources of the PNP they assured that the Petty Officer Cerveira Gálvez was participating in an investigation according to which the delinquency wanted to silence.

It appeared that those responsible for the attack would be two men who moved in a mototaxi torito model with the words "Evolution" on the front.


Serious police after being shot in the head. (Video: America Tv)

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