Yeni Vilcatoma in Mercedes Aráoz: "Unlike you, I do not live with corrupt" | Politics


The congressman Yeni Vilcatoma (Fuerza Popular) responded to the remarks of the Vice President of the Republic, Mercedes Aráoz and claimed that she fought against corruption and did not live with the corrupt.

"It's wrong, ma'am, it's what we call fighting corruption." Unlike you, I do not live with corrupt people, I denounce them, what do you know about the fight against corruption! ", he writes on his Twitter.

Earlier, Aráoz in the dialogue with the press, he felt that Yeni Vilcatoma "He has obvious signs of betrayal," so he's not a reliable person.

"Mrs Vilcatoma He has obvious signs of betrayal all the time. In addition, it is a very unpleasant way to treat a person. Working with colleagues is not an appropriate attitude, "he told reporters.

Mercedes Aráoz criticized the way in which the third vice-speaker of Parliament has asked for the expulsion of Ursula Letona from the bench of the Popular Force and qualified the behavior of his colleague of "non proba", for having accused the former fujimorista spokesman to have wanted to block an investigation on Promperú.

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