You knew it? Animal biscuits bring health benefits | NEWS THE INDUSTRY


They are among the most popular treats in the world, but many are unaware that they can have beneficial effects on health. According to a study of Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) use animal biscuits, Moderately, it could help improve skin-strengthening bone.

According to the report, about 24 small animal biscuits equate to 113 calories. They also contain vitamin A, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin C, iron, vitamin B and magnesium.

Contribution to the plan

Animal cookies help us prevent anemiabecause they have a high iron content, element that facilitates the transport of oxygen in the blood and improves the production of hemoglobin.

Likewise, this candy helps us to improve the level of relationship of the muscles. "Magnesium regulates the function of muscles and nervous system, blood glucose and blood pressure. In addition, it contributes to the formation of proteins, bone mass and DNA (genetic material found in cells), "said the National Institutes of Health in the United States.

On the other hand vitamin D helps us prevent osteoporosis, while the vitamin C helps the absorption of iron in the body and keeps your skin rejuvenated.

Take note

It should be noted that consumption should be moderate and that the nutrients and minerals mentioned above can also be found in foods such as fruits, vegetables, cereals and nuts.

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