YouTube: comments are more toxic when there are women in the videos, according to a study | Technology


There are comments of all kinds in YouTube : the sarcastic, the "bad milk", the envious and the "good vibrations". But did you know that the quality of comments varies depending on who shares the content on the video platform?

An Australian researcher Inoaka Amarasekara revealed that the most toxic comments in YouTube are located on channels run by women.

Amarasekara analyzed more than 23 thousand comments of 391 channels devoted to science to conclude that the presenters in the videos received 4.5% sexist comments or their physical appearance, compared to 1.4% for male presenters. He also noted that female presenters attract more commentary on videos in general, more likes and more subscribers for each reproduction.

"The comments section of YouTube is not intended for constructive conversations, and those that appear more prominent seem to be still the most controversial comments" says Amarasekara.

The researcher concludes that the comments are negative in part because of the absence of women presenting science-related videos. science is an area in which women have been discriminated against by their male colleagues.

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