YouTube extends its stories to more channels and announces notifications to warn of when to use


YouTube Executive Director Susan Wojcicki posted an update on the creators' blog on the platform's five key priorities this year. In this document, communication is marked, support for creators, ways to contact users, policy strengthening and education as key topics.

Regarding user communication, YouTube managers respond to content creators 600% more messages through your Twitter accounts on social networks this year compared to the previous one.

In addition, a new control panel has been introduced for YouTube Studio that collects information and updates and places them in the same place. In the next two weeks, the tool will be expanded to 76 different languages, beyond the English, currently available.

To encourage communication between users, YouTube announced that this year, YouTube Stories will be extended to all creators. 10,000 subscribers. Previously, this method of publishing unedited videos was only available to major content producers.

This is in addition to the Community Tabs and Premieres tools presented at this year's VidCon video conference held in California, and intended to increase the depth of relationships in the community with files such as GIF and facilitate the realization of "streaming", respectively.

Within education, the Google platform has created the YouTube Learning initiative that rewards those who promote learning and educational content. The informative nature of YouTube is an important aspect for Susan Wojcicki, who said her goal is to "support those who use YouTube to share their knowledge with the world."

YouTube also featured in VidCon the tools for creators Merch and Famebit, with the goal of managing audiences and advertising.

To strengthen its policies, the company updated the YouTube community report with new data for June. To this is added Copyright Match, a tool that automatically detects offenses using Content ID technology.

Google has also announced the launch in its application of a feature that sends reminders from YouTube. This feature allows you to configure how the user wants to receive notifications throughout the day, with a predetermined frequency of one per day.

With information from Europa Press

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