YouTube is testing a new feature, what is it? | Social networks | Youtube


YouTube announced that it is testing a new feature: A Tab Explore intended to provide users with the application for iPhone a more diverse set of recommendations Video

The online video platform said that the new feature " Explore " is currently being tested, so it is very likely that almost no one will see the above option, said the portal. Techcrunch.

However, if the user is in the test group, he will notice that the lower navigation bar of the application is different. Instead of the Home, Trends, Subscriptions, Inbox, and Library tabs, you'll see Home, Explore, Subscriptions, Activity, and Library.

In the new tab, users will find new videos and channels based on the content they've seen, but with a broader perspective. In other words, the user's browsing history will be taken as a reference in YouTube but it will extend the proposals that it will recommend to users.

In this way, they will be able to see new channels or content that they have not seen, since this was not specifically within their sphere of interest.

This is a dynamic similar to Instagram which offers a tab with the content " For You ", and other suggestions based on a series of themes.

Function seeks to be a practical solution for users who do not want to lose new videos of their favorite themes, but feel overwhelmed by the amount of content that appears each day.

According to Tom Leung director of product management at YouTube this experiment will only be tested with 1% of iPhone users. From there, they will examine whether they will extend the new tab to other platforms and to the rest of the users.

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