YouTube: McLaren announces the arrival of Speedtail, its most radical sports | VIDEO | Trade | Wheels and nuts


The most radical supercar in the history of McLaren already has a name. It is the Speedtail the fastest specimen of the British firm whose performance will allow it to exceed the 390 km / h achieved by F1.

By a teaser published in YouTube McLaren Speedtail was introduced as a vehicle with detailed aerodynamics. In addition, a wide range of customizations made by McLaren Special Operations (MSO) will be available for the future model.

Although this project is still mature, there are already 106 customers who have reserved their McLaren Speedtail units. We know that the price of each issue exceeds 2 million US dollars.

As the video of YouTube shows, the McLaren Speedtail will wink at the classic F1 design. This because it will have 3 seats, one of which will be located downtown. This supercar will work with a hybrid propulsion system.

In the following video of YouTube you will know more details of McLaren Speedtail the fastest car created in Woking.

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