YouTube presented figures that affect traditional television


YouTube presented its numbers for the first half of the year. The most important information, to which all the industry in the world should pay attention. Every day, the video site manages to see more than 180 million hours of content on television. That is, streaming does not go through PCs or mobile devices, which are the first screens of the Google-owned business, but by smart TV. The issue was published by YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki in a post on the firm's blog dedicated to explaining how content creators could monetize their work. The post also reaffirms that YouTube has 1,900 million unique users, a fact that no one denies and who has been the "workhorse" of the company.

But these are not the only numbers. He also revealed that interactions with content are growing at a steady rate of 60% from one year to the next over the past five years. And that the number of hours of live broadcast multiplied by ten in each of the past three years. In other words, people who access a website grow according to the audiovisual content. And if growth is also in direct access to television, it raises the concern for traditional broadcasting and also cable, whose audience figures are constantly falling all over the world. The figures that YouTube shows, indeed, correspond to the sum of all the territories where it is accessible, which implies to take into account the fact that in China it can not be grasped and that this market is, potentially, of 1,500 million users. The figures do not reflect a commercial change, but a cultural change: the new generations leave the television.

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