YouTube try the "Explore" tab to discover new videos


The huge platform of YouTube is experimenting with the "Explore" tool, a tab that will show new content to users, always looking for new videos.

of "Explorer" is to recommend new videos based on the history of what people have seen previously, in addition to showing a few others that you think you would like to see.

What makes this tab and this page different beginning of Youtube, is the customization, since in the latter is the content of all kinds, while in "Explore" appear clips that are based on themes and channels that are the taste of the user.

Likewise, it is different from the Trends section, since in this one they appear that everyone and sees, but that perhaps they do not are not the personal taste of the person in front of the monitor, in. What you need to do to navigate until you find something that catches your eye.

In this way, the company predicts that internet users will discover different videos, themes, and channels from those who are not used to opening them to new creators and watching the platform from their phones. :

"We also hope that Explore is a space where creators of all sizes, including emerging creators, can see their content discovered."

With this tool, YouTube enter the contest that has directly with Instagram, because recently this social network has also set up a similar function, where people can have access to topics that are to your liking.

Although the idea is good, it has not yet been officially implemented, since for the moment it is only in beta, which means that only 1% iOS can see it and experiment it, there is even a video or explains what happens with this tab:

We will have to wait that the function is approved so that thousands of people and creators of content can be seen

YouTube changes its appearance on Android by extending the thumbnail

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