The first year of Destiny 2 is far from what developers and, most importantly, users would like. The lack of content, the succession of DLC that have not solved the major problems of the basic experience are some of the problems that led to the community descended more sharply and faster than in the first delivery, also characterized It was then, with the great expansion The King Taken published a year after the first of the video game, when Bungie gave a 180º turn with the project and has responded to the vast majority of community demands while breathing new life through major changes and developments. This role, that of the traditional expansion that adds to the time that it sets in Destiny 2, corresponds to Forsaken announced weeks ago and dated the next September 4 . Now, at the approach of its launch, the video game is playing in a new Game Informer number loaded with news .

The Dream City, Key to the End Final

Already in the video presentation of the expansion, Bungie said that this new area would be specially designed for content dedicated to players of High level as they claimed, one of the raids more complex of the saga. In fact, we will not be able to enter this new area until, which will have a size similar to that of Nessus, we will complete the expansion campaign and the first activities available in the Oníric City will be of a particularly high difficulty.

of this it will reside in that will change and in the course of the weeks it will go to unravel the mystery that surrounds it centered on the elves who inhabit it and the threat of it. an insidious dragon. The changes will be in the cycles of three weeks and, each of them, Petra Venj will change his position and influence the location. Confirm that, as the place becomes more and more cursed, will eventually unveil a great secret .

Details on the nine new subclasses

Bungie is not a wasteful or generous generator with its novelties in different DLC and expansions and that is perhaps why is so surprising that it does not correspond to a new subclass. each character and go to a total of nine one centered on each elemental damage: empty, fire and bow. Of course, Scott Taylor, director of epxansión, confirmed that they have not yet decided to publish them all at the same time; in fact, he says that what comes back to him in his plans is to offer three at the time of its launch and wait for the community to adapt to them to add the rest.

The hunters will be able to use spectral blades focused on stealth and discretion, knives throwing at a distance and with which to strike the melee and the possibility of using a cane for us protect and, at the same time, release their electrical powers. The Titans will once again use their shield in the void-centered skill, they will carry a mythical hammer that will burn enemies with explosions and, in their bow jurisdiction, they will be able to s & rsquo; Collapse against the ground generating a big impact. Finally, the wizards can teleport by small jumps and eventually explode, launch an energy beam in the kamekameha style and use a solar sword that, at the end of the war impact with the ground, generates an area in which the players heal and their abilities are improved.

New Enemies, Traditions and Improvements

Forsaken will also be an expansion that will increase the number and variety of enemies ; the repudiated, the new faction of antagonists escaped from the space prison, will include a multitude of different classes: the bastards will spin around distant rays, the screeb will go into groups and will explode, the attackers launch explosive blades under vacuum and can teleport, the rangers carry small shields, the pests are larger and their blows are very blunt and chieftains will use totems with different types of damage to make things difficult for us

Regarding ways to improve our character and their weapons since Bungie confirmed that [19659002] Benefits will be very similar to that seen in the first Destiny in its mechanics of obtaining new affixes but its advantages and benefits will be new and different what we know; mods on the other hand, can be obtained from exotic equipment, they can be used to improve and perfect the weapons we love by betting on different styles of play by putting the # 39, focus on improving hip fire, precision in jumps or additional damage to vehicles.