Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, in Indiana, was running for president at the age of 37. Here is what we know about this man and his campaign.
Dwight Adams, [email protected]

Pete Buttigieg, a Democratic presidential candidate, accused President Donald Trump of splitting America and creating a "crisis of belonging" for people of color, immigrants, gays and others.

While the border-wall proposed by Trump is a fantasy, the mayor of South Bend, said the Indian mayor, said the administration was erecting real walls with what he called the "politics of identity" the most controversial – the white identity policy.

This may leave black women, immigrants, the disabled, displaced car workers and other people who feel like living in a different country, Buttigieg said at the time. a gala of gay rights advocates.

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Buttigieg, who is openly homosexual, said the Democratic Party also had a schismatic thought, for example: "We are told to choose between supporting a female car worker and supporting a trans woman of color, without thinking of the fact that sometimes the car worker is a woman of trans color and that she absolutely needs all the support possible. "

Buttigieg said at the Human Rights Campaign gala in Las Vegas that each person has a story that can be used to separate – or connect – to another person.

"What all homosexuals have in common with all the excluded, regardless of their type, is to know what it is to see a wall between you and the rest of the world and ask yourself what does it look like on the other side, "he said. "I'm here to build bridges and cut down walls."

Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Pete Buttigieg, gave an opening address at the 14th Annual Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Gala held at Caesars Palace on May 11, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Buttigieg is the first openly gay candidate to run for the Democratic nomination for the presidency. The HRC is the largest LGBTQ advocacy group in the United States. (Photo: Ethan Miller, Getty Images)

Buttigieg's remarks fit into the continuity of the theme of the unit on which he has focused since the official launch of his presidential campaign last month. His campaign logo includes a bridge that wraps his name.

Trump has probed the more difficult surname of his potential rival to The Florida campaign rally Wednesday, as Democratic presidential candidates progressed: "A marginal advantage," said the president, "They say" a marginal advantage ".

On Friday, Trump compared Buttigieg to Mad Magazine's longtime mascot, a cartoon boy with a freckled face.

"Alfred E. Neuman can not become president of the United States," he told Politico.

Buttigieg, who was to search on Google for the character who was popular well before his birth to understand the jab, made an oblique reference to it on Saturday.

He stated that his teens would not have been able to understand the fact that he would wake up one day in Las Vegas "to reports that the President of the United States apparently was trying to attract his Warning".

"Let alone if you tell him that the president has pronounced his name one way or another," said Buttigieg as the audience laughed.

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The Saturday event at Caesars Palace was one of twelve local dinners hosted by the Human Rights Campaign before its national dinner in September in Washington.

The other two presidential candidates – California Senator Kamala Harris and Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey – spoke at a March dinner in Los Angeles.

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation, the educational arm of the largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer civil rights organization, will hold a forum for candidates for the 2020 Democratic presidency this fall.

"Someone in this room understands that politics is not theoretical; It's a personal matter, "said Buttigieg. Many of us have a marriage that exists through the grace of a single vote in the US Supreme Court. "

That's why, he said, what counts in Washington is not "the show". But "the way a series of events starts in one of those big white buildings and affects our lives, our homes, our paychecks, our doctors' offices, our marriages," he declared. "That's what's at stake today."

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