& # 39; Assassin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey & # 39; s presents a new system of mastery levels


With the first major expansion for Assassin's Creed Odyssey Coming next week, the Ubisoft team will continue to work hard to ensure that the latest novelties of the franchise are enjoyable for all. Because of this, they have dramatically improved the way players can level their characters with the revised mastery system.

According to a recent Ubisoft blog post, "The Mastery Level System is a new way to improve your character once you have reached level 50. You have the choice to spend your skill points in the new levels of mastery that will help you refine your hunter, the abilities of warriors and assassins go even further by increasing their stats. "

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Players will be able to expand their skill tree as they see fit. Whether it's improving your health or improving these stealth options, this skill tree is the best way for players to customize their unique style with their favorite Mystios.

The studio also answered a few questions about upcoming changes, including the number of mastery levels and upgrading current prints.

Regarding the number of master's degrees, Ubisoft said: "You have a choice of 72 master's levels and each level of mastery can be upgraded 20 times.Each upgrade costs 1 aptitude point. 1% and can go up to + 10% after passing the corresponding 20 skill points. "

With regard to pre-existing engravings, "Even though mastery levels do not directly enhance etchings, they work together to make you even more powerful."

For those who fear not being able to reset, do not do it – the team promises that resetting these mastery levels is achievable regardless of the player's abilities – just make sure you have the means to pay for it.

Regarding the upcoming new expansion, the first adventure begins on December 4 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Want to know more about the latest (and impressive) entry into the Assassin & # 39; s Creed franchise? Hit me on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy for all things Assassin after checking an excerpt from my full review below:

"Assassin's Creed Odyssey brings a lot of "new" to the franchise. The role-playing dialogue wheel was introduced, choosing between a male or female character and selected (and seduced) romance options. Assassin & # 39; s Creed seems to be in touch with his own BioWare and just like their famous franchises such as Mass Effect and Dragon Age, Odyssey also will have resounding consequences on the choices made by the players, "reads our comprehensive review.

"The story was exciting, sometimes heartbreaking and progressive in a way that kept me engaged. Dynamic, immersive and full of choices, consequences and the tumultuous story of human love, loss and lessons learned. "

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