& # 39; Open War to the Cold War & # 39; – The player has an "exit strategy" to get out of Manchester United


At this point, we are almost convinced that Tuttosport has the obligation to publish at least one article by Paul Pogba every day.

That if they do not do it, something terrible will happen, a kind of transfer reporting armageddon.

Thursday, the Turin newspaper headlined: "Pogba: exit strategy"

They launch the article by saying "Cold War Open War" to describe the situation between midfielder and Jose Mourinho right now.

Even if he was left out of the starting line to face the Young Boys this week, that's why players around the player send messages of calm. There is no crisis situation.

Instead of total peace, Tuttosport says it is a ceasefire, which allows Mino Raiola to free himself from the background without being disturbed by the ignition and extinguishing fires every week.

Raiola uses this "tranquility" to try to find a way for Pogba to leave Manchester United "economically acceptable" for the Premier League club.

The winner of the World Cup is considered a marketing asset by Manchester United, with the suggestion to make the club more reluctant to sell, so that everything goes smoothly.

There is no mention of Juventus being part of this plan.

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