Warriors will probably sign Pat McCaw, then their list is fixed


At the time of the NBA's off season, most teams have a lot of questions. The back end of most alignments is open, as unsigned veterans float around, weighing options, and recruits and young mates are looking for homes.

It seemed likely that the Golden State Warriors would have a long off season. They had a mid-level exception to spend – even if they were hesitant to do it – and there were many players on the market who deserved strong consideration for that. They had their own free agents to consider, and a shortage of available veterans who would probably sign for the minimum if it meant a chance to win a title.

And then DeMarcus Cousins ​​shocked the world and signed, and Kevon Looney quietly re-signed. On the left court, Jonas Jerebko was suspended by Utah Jazz and immediately taken over by the Dubs. Patrick McCaw has not signed yet, but as a stand-alone player with restrictions, he seems quite certain that he will come back.

brings us to 14, with only one guaranteed spot remaining. But the Warriors – who owe absurd amounts of money to luxury taxes – have made it clear that they will leave this place empty. 14 seems to be the magic number, which means, except for something unexpected with McCaw, the list is already fixed.

So here is the (likely) alignment of your Golden State Warriors 2018-1919:

Jordan Bell
Quinn Cook
DeMarcus Cousins ​​
Stephen Curry
Kevin Durant
Jacob Evans III
Draymond Green
Andre Iguodala
Jonas Jerebko
Damian Jones
Livingston Shaun
Looney Kevon
Patrick McCaw
Klay Thompson

The The team still has a pair of bidirectional contracts to offer, but that's where the list's decisions seem to end.

While the other teams are still struggling to assemble their alignments, the Warriors are pretty much over, and we know exactly what they are going to be.

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