Kobe Paras goes out to make his own wave in UP


The son of the former PBA superstar, Benjie Paras, says that he did not join UP just to follow in his father's footsteps

Published 2:32 pm, July 11, 2018

updated 2:32 pm, July 11, 2018

  CLEAN BRAND. Kobe Paras wants to create his own legacy with the UP Fighting Maroons. Picture from UPMBT

OWN MARK. Kobe Paras wants to create his own legacy with the UP Fighting Maroons. Photo by UPMBT

MANILA, Philippines – Kobe Paras took 3 months to decide. But after deciding to join the University of the Philippines (UP), Marping Figthing, the young hotshot said that he plans to "create his own wave" and not follow in the footsteps of his famous father.

His parent, former PBA superstar Benjie Paras, powered the Maroons to their only UAAP men's basketball championship in 1986.

But the young Paras said that "I'm not going to be a fan of the boys." he was more focused on his next challenge: to be a student-athlete at the state university.

" I look forward to the challenge of helping to make Fighting Maroons a better basketball team, and the challenge of helping me become a better student," he said. paras.

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