Asian Games venues are 95% ready, but potential pitfalls remain


The Asian Games sites will be ready before Indonesia hosts the flagship event in a month, say the organizers, but the threat of terrorist attacks and 's. Endless traffic jams still hangs over the regional Olympics.

The clock to complete construction work, widen roads and plant trees in a crazy offer to beautify Jakarta, a teeming metropolis that many visitors find hard to like.

Athlete's village seems ready, but some competitors may need it to retire on a poisonous and smelly river

Jakarta and Palembang in Sumatra should host about 11,000 athletes and 5,000 officials from 45 Asian countries for the Games from August 18 to September 2, the largest multi-sport event in the world. behind the Olympics

Apart from an unfinished squash complex, most sites seem almost finished.

The main stadium Gelora Bung Karno, used at the last edition of the Games in 1962, underwent a major renovation. "I think all the sites, after what I see … 95 percent should be completed by the end of July," chief organizer Erick Thohir, a media mogul who is the president of the Inter Milan football club, said last week.

– Epic Traffic Jam –

Indonesia started with less time than most countries. He agreed to host the Games when Vietnam withdrew, citing concerns over preparations and the heavy financial burden.

Jakarta then moved the Games forward for one year until 2018 to avoid clashes with national elections

This will not be a repeat of the 2004 Athens Olympics when the main stadium will be completed a few weeks before the opening ceremony or the 2014 World Cup that will take place in unfinished venues.

The worst case scenario remains the 2010 New Delhi Games Commonwealth Games, where problems ranged from disgusting conditions at the athletes' village to the collapse of infrastructure.

Indonesia had problems with the Southeast Asian Games in 2011 following corruption scandals and the death of the football finals. The Asian Games can bring athletes to the sites at the time.

Jakarta is one of the countries with the lowest traffic, forcing organizers to find drastic solutions.

Officials will be driving on reserved lanes while Jakarta will set up a system of even-odd license plates to limit congestion.

Schools will also be closed to get out of the equation the daily commute of millions of students.

– Security Fears –

Security is another area of ​​concern for the Games, a few months after the terrorist attacks in the second largest city in Indonesia, Surabaya, which killed a dozen people and rekindled the concerns of Islamist militants. Jakarta, Palembang and West Java, where several events are taking place

"All security elements are already in place," said Syrian national police chief Syafruddin, who bears a name.

"We have not only thought about the safety of the athletes, but we are also preparing safety measures for all aspects related to the games … of course, safety is the priority."

police said they arrested terrorist suspects and juvenile minors during a crackdown before the games – and even killed some who resisted arrest.

Many Jakartans do not seem to know that their city hosts a major event, with a much needed promotion of the Games

(the Asian Games)? I'm not too sure, "said Widi Astari, a Jakarta-based entrepreneur.

Some who know the Games have complained about ticket prices, which range from Rs 50,000 to Rs 300,000 (3.5 to 21 dollars). "I think it will be great if the organizer provides tickets for the lower middle class spectators because I think everyone wants to watch," said Ari Fajar

. tickets available for opening ceremonies – 750 thousand rupees cheaper – were recovered during the first week of sales on June 30.

Although the Games are not perfect, Jakartan Nia bet that his country won "At least the outside world will know that Indonesia has done its best," she said.

Jakarta and Palembang in Sumatra should host about 11,000 athletes and 5,000 officials from 45 Asian countries [19659027] Map and information file about the Games Asian co-organized by Jakarta and Palemban Jakarta has the worst traffic in the world, forcing organizers to find radical solutions

Jakarta has advanced the Games from one year to 2018 to avoid conflict with National Elections

] Aside from an unfinished squash complex, most sites seem almost ready

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