At least seven to eight Elasto painters will be included in the pool of players to be submitted by Samahang Basketbol ng Pilipinas (SBP) to the Asian Games Organizing Committee of Indonesia (INASGOC), with three Gilas Cadet members, some great NLEX men, of whom Guiao is the coach, and Anthony Clarkson's son, NBA Ambassador and NBA
The SBP, in consultation with Guiao, plans to submit the list to INASGOC from here Friday.
"We're past the deadline, we're pushing it," said SBP president Al Panlilio, who was joined by league commissioner Willie Marcial and Rain or Shine Atty's representative. Mamerto Mondragon at a mini-press conference that followed the regular monthly meeting of the PBA Board of Directors on Thursday.
At the meeting, the Board formalized its approval of Rain or Shine as the leader team September 2. Panlilio said that Guiao had the list of Rain or Shine players that he would like to be part of the team with cadet players Ricci Rivero, Kobe Paras and Abu Tratter.
"said the head of SBP, Guiao's training to include some of NLEX's great men in the pool.
" I talked to coach Yeng Kanina and he even thought to include Asi (Taulava) to help with the surveillance. "Panlilio du centro e veteran, who played at the 2002 Asiad in Busan, South Korea.
As for the 6 foot 5 inch Clarkson, the president of the SBP said that everything depended on the INASGOC. whether to approve his accreditation or not if indeed, the Clev eland Cavaliers stalwart is eligible to play under Asiad rule.
The short window of forming a team for the quadrennial meeting also forced the PBA to stand on its previous decision to send only one ball club to Asiad so as not to
TnT Katropa was originally tasked to form a team bound for Indonesia, but begged at the last minute following the scramble that tainted FIBA World. Qualifying Cup between Gilas Pilipinas and Australia.
"Pinag-usapa pa last meeting of the board na na team lang para hindi masira ang calendar." In this regard, Panlilio expressed how much the SBP is grateful to both Rain or Shine and to the PBA to respond again to the call for the flag and the country. "
I would like to thank Rain or Shine for being truly up to their commitment to our Gilas program, at least at the Asian Games, "said Panlilio, who is also Meralco's representative on the league board. (19659014) // This is called with the results of FB.getLoginStatus ().
function statusChangeCallback (answer) {
// console.log (& # 39; statusChangeCallback & # 39;);
// console.log (response);
// The response object is returned with a status field that allows the
// App knows the current connection status of the person.
// Complete documents on the subject of answer can be found in the documentation
// for FB.getLoginStatus ().
if (response.status === & # 39; connected & # 39;) {
// Connected to your application and Facebook.
// console.log (response);
//FB.api('/me & # 39 ;, local: & # 39; en_US & # 39 ;, fields: & # 39; id, first name, last name, email, link, gender, local, image & # 39;},
// function (answer) {
console.log ($ (# fbLink & # 39;). data (& # 39; page));
if ($ (# fbLink & # 39;). data (& # 39; page) == & # 39;) {
doLogin ();
} else if ($ (# fbLink & # 39;). data (& # 39;) == & # 39; register & # 39;) {
doRegister ();
} else if (response.status === & # 39; not_authorized & # 39;) {
// The person is connected to Facebook, but not to your app.
// doRegister ();
//document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = & # 39; Please login to this application. & # 39 ;;
} other {
// The person is not connected to Facebook, so we are not sure if
// they are connected to this application or not.
//document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = & # 39; Please login to Facebook. & # 39 ;;
// This function is called when someone finishes with Login
// Button. See the onlogin manager attached to the sample
// code below.
function checkLoginState () {
FB.login (function (response) {
}, {scope: & # 39; public_profile, email & # 39;});
FB.getLoginStatus (function (response) {
statusChangeCallback (response);
window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
// Configure and configure the FK JavaScript SDK
FB.init ({
appId: 1579181439054691, // FB application ID
cookie: true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
xfbml: true, // parse social plugins on this page
version: & # 39; v2.8 & # 39; // uses version 2.8 of the graphical API
// FB.Event.subscribe (& # 39; auth.statusChange & # 39; function (response) {
// if (response.status === & # 39; connected & # 39;) {
// statusChangeCallback (response);
//} other {
// Load the SDK asynchronously
(function (d, s, id) {
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0];
if (d.getElementById (id)) returns;
js = d.createElement (s); js.id = id;
js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js";
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs);
} (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));
// Here we run a very simple test of the graphical API after login
// succeeded. See statusChangeCallback () for when this call is made.
function doRegister () {
FB.api ('me', {fields: id, first name, last name, email, gender, image, etc.),
function (answer) {
//document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = & # 39;
& # 39; + JSON.stringify (answer) +
& # 39 ;;
/ *
An active access token must be used to query information about the current user. OAuthException code 2500
* /
$ (# Registration_form & # 39;) hide ();
$ (# Firstname & # 39;). val (response.first_name);
$ (# Name & # 39;) .val (response.last_name);
$ (# Email). val (response.email);
$ ('# User name'). val (response.id);
$ (# Password). val (response.id);
$ (#cpassword #); val (response.id);
$ (# Image). val (response.picture.data.url);
$ (& # 39; # facebook & # 39;). val (& # 39; 1 & # 39;);
document.getElementById ("registration_form"). submit ();
function doLogin () {
FB.api ('me', {fields: id, first name, last name, email, gender, image, etc.),
function (answer) {
// alert (& # 39;
& # 39; + JSON.stringify (response) + & # 39;
& # 39;);
$ (# Login_username & # 39;). val (response.id);
$ (# Login_password & # 39;). val (response.id);
$ (# Firstname & # 39;). val (response.first_name);
$ (# Name & # 39;) .val (response.last_name);
$ (# Email). val (response.email);
$ ('# User name'). val (response.id);
$ (# Password). val (response.id);
$ (#cpassword #); val (response.id);
$ (# Image). val (response.picture.data.url);
$ (& # 39; # facebook & # 39;). val (& # 39; 1 & # 39;);
document.getElementById ("login_form"). submit ();
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