Boomers & Fighting Brewing – Standard Shackle


published July 07, 2018 at 23:59

By Yugel Losorata

The "basketbrawl" much debated between our national team and Australia had a strong back story that led to In the same way, Titanic would never have been able to avoid the iceberg. This is something that can not be ruled out by analyzing the case or before making a judgment.

Although the incident is considered unfortunate and should not have occurred here, it is simply that Filipinos generally go on our side.

To reiterate a truth, Australian ballerinas have the reputation of playing dirt. In an article published two years ago at the Rio Olympics, NBA star Paul George, who served as the US team at the time, noted that the Australia "had a talent for being a little dirty"

Aussies Matthew Dellavedova for Baby Boomers last Monday, and Andrew Bogut, who was laughing at Filipino players for taking a selfie supposedly misinterpreted while waiting for the decision of the referees after the fight, are both famous, according to the terms of this same play. "Unsurprisingly, Dellavedova is known in the United States as Dirty Delly.

Australian basketball assistant coach Luc Longley, player Cameron Gliddon and captain Daniel Kickert attend a press conference at Brisbane Airport, two days after their Asian FIBA ​​World Cup qualifier against the Philippines AFP

Even Michael Jordan's assistant coach and former teammate, Luc Longley, could not not really understand why his protections are so difficult to play.He vaguely labeled their game brand as "international basketball."

Filipinos and Aussies may be labeled as victims of Monday night's riot, but Australians , by their reputation and the way they had acted suspiciously before hell broke loose, were undoubtedly the instigators.Read between the lines, they just met their match on the hard ground the hard way.

Before the roar, baby boomers were clearly heedless of their movements which were logically considered intimidation. They could have asked permission from the tournament officials before removing the decals on the floor of the arena. And why resort to hitting opposing players during warm-ups, or mock Filipino cages to dead balls? What arrogance could you be that you would do that to your hosts?

Simply put, visitors inadvertently tried to fight and the local team did not back down. We can not tolerate the actions of our compatriots, but on a similar tone, we would not tolerate Australian or foreign intimidation on our soil. In addition, "this is my house" is a FIBA ​​line probably used for a good reason. The players of Gilas have lost their collective calm in the name of the pride of homecourt.

While Filipinos are known around the world for their hospitality, pushed to the limit, we tend to react in the most unpredictable way. Longley may think that coach Chot Reyes has prompted players to hit someone. But it can be argued that he was only setting fire to his boys because they were hanging out at a big margin.

Daniel Kickert's RR Pogoy slam turned out to be the last drop of water that prompted Jason Castro to get upset and punch, triggering a point of no – Free return. -all. If Kickert could do what he did for his comrade, who was very dirty, why would not a Filipino do the same for his comrade who was intentionally injured?

Yes, it was sad to see a better Asian leader twice lose his temper in front of 22,000 fans, but that's an isolated case with regards to his personal story.

A few other factors contributed to perspiration. One of them is the apparent failure of security personnel at the Philippine Arena to prevent people, both the team's staff and the fans, from Invade the field. And two, the three referees in the Middle East calling the shots did not put their bodies on the line to prevent the players from fighting; they could have helped to reduce its size. With such a tense brewing even before the start of the match, the teams and people in charge should have delegated more attention.

Watching this match live with my nine-year-old basketball fan, I explained to him some time later, so that he could thoroughly understand what happened. Looking back, it's something Filipinos can learn as a re-emerging basketball strength, especially now that Australia and New Zealand, with Asian players, have been inserted by FIBA ​​in Asian tournaments.

Filipino fans on the site, allegedly described as a trash mob by an Australian, can not be at fault for doing the wave or giving a cannon shot to baby boomers. We will support our boys even if there are only three of them left to continue playing and we will not let any form of physics go wrong. We are recognized as the best fans in the world, is not it?

PBA coach Yeng Guiao hinted that "the Australians have put themselves in this situation" and that "therefore, they must be blamed" for this unfortunate participation.

We Filipinos have different points of view on a fight difficult to watch by replaying. But we must remember the x and the why of this sequence before shouting at the soldiers carrying our flag.

(Editor's Note: The author has written articles on the Philippine National Basketball Team, the Philippine Basketball Association and other topics sports.)

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