Catriona on the claim of Australia after the Miss Universe victory: Miss Philippines


Catriona on the claim of Australia after the Miss Universe victory: Miss Philippines

Rosette Adel ( – January 9, 2019 at 16:43

MANILA, Philippines – Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray spoke Wednesday of the "showdown" between the Philippines and Australia after both countries recognized her victory at the prestigious competition.

When asked if she felt "weird" about competing against Francesca Hung, an Australian of Filipino descent, Ms. Catriona responded in the negative.

"No, because I really feel like a Miss Philippines. I feel just like a Philippine, Filipina woman. It turns out that when I was young, I was very Australian. And I think I can be both, "Catriona told animator Kerry Justich in an interview for New York's" Live Series "live interview series.

"I mean because I grew up [in] if you want, these two sides of the world, "she added.

Catriona was born in Cairns, Queensland, of Scottish-born Australian father Ian Gray and Filipino mother of Bicol Normita Magnayon-Gray. She has lived in the Philippines since graduating from Trinity Anglican School in Cairns in 2011, but she also studied in the United States for a degree in Music Theory.

After winning Miss Universe, Catriona's victory was celebrated by the Australians, with some media claiming it as their own representative.

LILY: Australian newspaper recall: Catriona Gray was born in Queensland

Cairns Town Mayor Bob Manning had previously announced that he was considering organizing a reception at Catriona Town Hall, a treatment for locals who have achieved World Champion status.

Last December, Australia's "The Courier Mail" published a photo of Catriona's coronation, but the newspaper crossed the word "Philippines" and replaced it with "Queensland".

The Hit radio station also posted on its website a headline stating: "An Australian girl has just won Miss Universe but she was not Miss Australia".

Catriona, however, ridiculed this supposed battle by claiming her title and said she could not blame the Australians.

"I just thought it was funny that there was this war, like," No, she's ours, she's practically Miss Australia. "But I'm Miss Philippines, but I can not blame them for being excited, feeling the morale of the season, so we'll let them have it," she said.

During the interview, Catriona said that her victory in Miss Universe was so different from her win at Binibining Pilipinas, as she now has a wider audience.

When she represented the Philippines, Catriona said, "She had so much weight." She added that she wanted to embody the country in all its aspects, promoting its textiles, its silhouettes, its symbolism, its history and its culture. .

"The belt is not just an inscription, it's a country so there was that weight," said the 25-year-old beauty queen.

She added that she was still learning a lot given her new role in Miss Universe.

"It's clear that I'm not only talking to Filipinos, I'm also addressing an international audience," she added, stressing that it was "one of a kind". huge responsibility ".

Catriona is the fourth Philippine crowned Miss Universe. She is now in New York to fulfill her title holder duties.

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