FIFA urged by its own rights organization to give Iran a deadline to allow women to enter stadiums


ZURICH – Global Football Organization FIFA, its own advisory committee on human rights, has asked Iran to set a deadline for women to watch football matches.

In a report released Monday, the panel said Iran's ban on female fans was a violation of FIFA's code of ethics, which "specifically prohibits discrimination, including on the basis of sex ".

Iranian women and girls have not been allowed to attend any male sporting event in the country for most of the 39 years since the Islamic Revolution and have not been allowed to attend the matches of the greatest clubs since 1981.

However, this month, Iranian news agencies announced that an indefinite number of women in the region had been allowed to attend the Asian Champions League final between Persepolis national club and Japan's Kashima Antlers at the stadium. Azadi from Tehran.

The FIFA panel, made up of eight independent UN experts, unions and FIFA sponsors, also noted that women had the opportunity to watch screenings at the same venue of two matches of Iran during the World Cup.

He called this evolution "positive" but added that "these ad hoc decisions are obviously not the same as the official end of the ban".

The panel said: "FIFA should be explicit about the timeframe in which it expects Iran to align with FIFA's expectations regarding human rights." man."

FIFA should also be clear about the possible sanctions if Iran does not put itself in the line of fire.

FIFA's statutes state that discrimination may be punishable by "suspension or expulsion" although its disciplinary code allows for lighter sanctions such as fines and partial stadium closures. – Reuters

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