France, world cup champion who broke all records in Russia


There was more to come, as it turned out. In those six minutes, Pogba and Mbappé scored; in those six minutes, France hit a pace that Croatia could not bear; in these six minutes, France took the game, and the crown, beyond its adversaries. These six minutes have been eloquent for the measure of French superiority over the past six weeks: a team so powerful that it does not need to play well for extended periods, so rich in talent that 39; she only has to shine briefly to shine incredibly well, good that he can do flashes, in seconds, what others might need for an hour and a half to do. It's a team of blinding light.

Croatia did everything it could to be the exception. He scrapped and scratched to stay in contention; he was playing with the intensity of a team that knew that luck would not come back.

No team has contributed so much to this World Cup as Modric – who earned the Golden Ball as best player of the tournament – and his teammates; After three games that extended the extra time, they came to the final after playing 90 minutes, a whole match, more than the French, so tough were their way.

This last step, however, was too long. Mandzukic still had time to score another, taking advantage of Lloris' mistake, but by that time even Croats needed to know that it was a mere consolation. When the final whistle burst, they collapsed in the field, desperate, inconsolable, in tears for all that they had given, and for what they had yet received after all.

Yet it is what France did: With a cold head and clear eyes, it ended dreams. This is not a role that lends itself to being lovable. France could have scored more goals in this tournament. He could have played a more adventurous style. It could have been more fun. There's always an idea of ​​what this might be: maybe we'll find out in four years, when this young team should be even better.

But none of this makes him less worthy of his status, of his place in history and none of that has mattered to the players as they celebrated on the field, when they invaded the post-collection news conference of Deschamps spraying champagne and climbing on tables. The millions of people who threw themselves into the streets of Paris and Marseille and Lyon did not count any more . [ad_2]
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