Governments should recommend nuts to pregnant women, study finds


"The current guidelines do not contain these recommendations.Jordi Júlvez, coordinator of the study at FoodNavigator, said. "It would be nice if pregnant women were to eat a small handful of raw nuts three times a week throughout their pregnancy. That would be my recommendation, but of course we need more studies to confirm the results because it was the first of its kind. A flawless stay

The study of the World Health Institute in Barcelona concluded that consumption of nuts during pregnancy stimulatesattention ability and long-term working memory".

Júlvez said the results could have great implications for the food industry and he will now seek European funding for an intervention.

"Nuts contain omega 3, which is good for brain development. Pharmacies currently provide omega-3 DHA to pregnant women in tablet form, but it may be best to use nuts, He said. "This is a new area that needs to be opened now … to focus on brain development, not just to cure diseases."A flawless stay

Better cognitive functionA flawless stay

More and more consumers are attracted to the health benefits associated with nuts, with more people adding nuts to salads or adding them to breakfast cereals.

There is scientific evidence on the protective effects of nut consumption against cognitive decline in the elderly, and studies also suggest that a handful of nuts a day can boost male fertility.

However, this effect has been less explored in the neurological development of the child and no study to date has explored the potential longitudinal association with nut consumption during pregnancy.

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