#HalalanResults: Butch Abad loses comeback bid Batanes


MANILA – Former budget secretary Florencio "Butch" Abad lost the race for Batches congressman, based on a partial and unofficial results of election returns on Wednesday.

Abad lost to Doc Gato by a slim margin of only 238 votes.

As of 4:01 p.m., Abad got 3,129 votes while Gato got 3,367 votes from 100 percent of election returns from the province of Batanes.

Carlo Diasnes came in third place with 3,032 votes.

Abad was the Liberal Party's campaign manager in 2010.

He is one of the officials of the Aquino's office, recommended by the House Committee on Good Governance and Public Accountability to face criminal and administrative charges over the government's suspended dengue vaccination program.

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